And that is all it was too, not a career, just a job & that was all I wanted, so it never bothered me at the time. Have you seen the show Secret Life of a Soccer Mom? They take SAHMs who gave up a career when the kids were born, give them back that career for a week & then usually offer them that job at the end of the week. I haven't seen all the episodes so I can't say for sure that they always do it, but they have for every one I have seen. This has been a hot topic at playgroup. Would you go back to your career? I never say anything because I don't have a career to go back to. Other mom's in the group had careers. They were in Social Services, Broadcast Journalism, Nursing, Teaching, Underwriting, Law - specialized things you study for & then spend 30 or so years doing. I, on the other hand, had a job. Lots of jobs actually. I have 2 degrees. A BS in Journalism and an MA in Early Modern History. I could have a had a career with those, but I didn...