Dinner Menu

I have about 50 cookbooks. They are all full of post it notes marking recipes I was to try cooking. Most of them have been marked for years without my ever cooking them. Lately I have been trying to change that. Once a month I pick a cookbook and select 3-5 recipes to try. This month's is All About Braising & the dinner plan for the next 2 weeks features 3 recipes from it.

Braised Endive with eggs (tonight)

Braised Chicken with Cider & Parsnips

Braised Short Ribs

We're also having:


green soup (last night)

lasagna roll ups

chicken with bacon marinade


homemade pizza x2

pasta to be determined

steak & lentils

That is only 11 meals out of 14, but we get take out, go out to eat or have insta food (tyson chicken patties or fish sticks) on the remaining 3 nights. Probably one of each.

I'm not silly enough to think my kids will like braised endive with eggs. I'm not certain I'll like it, but I want to try it. Problem is there is no kid friendly side to go with it. Havoc will eat the eggs, Mayhem will not. Mayhem may have an apple for dinner tonight. I will make it up to him with pasta on Wednesday.  Steak & lentils on Thursday, with teriyaki pizza, topped with leftover steak on Friday.  Braised chicken on Sunday. Lasagna on Monday, meatloaf Tuesday, chicken pizza Wednesday,braised short ribs Thursday, tacos Friday and chicken with bacon on Sunday. Though the short ribs might have to be Sunday, pushing the chicken & bacon into the following week and giving us fish sticks or carry out on Thursday


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