Vacation Bible School for heathen kids
My kids are currently attending their second VBS of the summer, with at least one, possibly 3 more to go. I get some grief from other pagans and some Christians for sending the boys to VBS. Obviously, in their eyes, I have no business doing such a thing. The pagans think I should be running my own little homeschool summer mythology camp, not letting others fill my kids minds with the narrow precepts of the Christian religion. The Christians don't know what to think but they know I shouldn't be doing it. VBS is for lapsed Christians' kids, not for people firmly non-Christian. I must say these are a small minority of Christians, generally of the 'lapsed' variety themselves. The actual regular church going ones who are volunteering their time don't much care. If anything they are happy about it. VBS is outreach. "Converting the heathen" is one of those things they preach in church but most people rarely get the chance to do because it usually involves...