Summer Reading - library round 2

The boys are very into dinosaurs at the moment so I made a point of finding dinosaur related books this trip.

Dinotopia (not really read aloud material but they like looking at the pictures)

Here Comes T Rex Cottontail

T. Rex Trick or Treats

Pterosaurs: Rulers of the Sky

They Lived With Dinosaurs

Dinosaur Babies


Dinosaurs Before Dark (bookmooch)

plus some non dino books

Wind in the Willows (bookmooch)

Frog & Toad Together (bookmooch)

Tack & the Winter Games

Lyle at the Office

Lyle at Christmas

I'm mooching the longer books from my read aloud recommendation lists, that way I am under no pressure to return them to the library by a certain date.  We breeze through the 30 page books pretty quickly, reading 3-5 in one sitting sometimes, but they are not always willing to sit still for the longer ones.


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