my back

bad news for my digi scrapping & time online. My back is whacked. I went to the chiro today for some ongoing pain in my mid back & shoulders. everything is extremely tight. We talked about my posture & my activities. A lot of my problem is this desk & the chair. The desk is just all wrong. It is too high for the chair I have so my elbows are too low when I type & that puts strain on my shoulder & neck muscles . The opening between the drawers is too narrow for a chair with arms to fit in it (it a circa 1940's desk, given to us free), plus I cannot angle myself correctly to the right to be comfortable because of the drawers on each side. I need the drawers for storage, but I think a newer, better designed desk & chair is in order. however we have no money for that. Possibly after we figure out our tax refund, but that is at least a month away, assuming there is enough. So, unless I want to undo the work that the chiro is doing, I need to spend less time at the desk.


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