
Where to begin......There are so many projects in the works around here. On a house wide level, we are working on the yard. We have a 5 year plan for the yard. This is year 4. When we moved in we had no front yard. We had a huge gravel parking area. Over the past 3 years we have converted a chunk of that parking area to grass, built a covered patio, built a playyard & gotten one of those 15 foot blow up ring pools. This year we are framing in & backfilling an area off the side of the driveway to be the new pakring area. We also have to dig out part of the hillside onvthe other side of the drive & put up a low retaining wall. We will then reclaim the final part of the old parking area in front of the house and move the playyard over to it. We are using railroad ties for the framing & retaining walls. Next year we will run the ties all the way down to the road (have to dig out a trench to set them in) and then put up one of those metal carports over the new parking area. Then at long last we will have covered parking. Only 10 years after we moved in.

Also in the works, after the spring yard work is done is the drawer/cupboard unit DH is making for the bedroom. And the new desk for me.

Personally I am in the midst of a project converting my audiobook CDs to .mp3 format & burning them to DVDs. Then I am going to sell the original CDs. I am also working on some elements for a kit I am working on. I have various pieces that I gave out as prizes at chats I hosted when I was a mod at Scrapmommies. I want to make a complete kit out of them to give away.

That is just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are others. DH & I sit down once a season & make a list of what needs done, otherwise known as the "Things to Spend Money On" list.


  1. Wow you are busy Stacey:) I can't tell you how many years we have been without landscaping. But my daughter is 19 and she was looking at some old pictures of her when she was little. She was on a swing on some green grass. She asked me whose yard it was. When I told her it was ours she said "We had grass?????"

    It is nice to have projects. At least you are never bored!

  2. Okay, now I feel lame about gushing about my little backyard project! Your's is amazing! I love that you've planned it out over 5 years, makes it not so overwhelming.

    I would love to see your kit when you're done with it!

  3. Wow, lots going on at your house--reminds me that I wanted to plant some new shrubbery this year. Love your idea about selling your original audiobooks after ripping them--think I'll do that, too...eventually.

    I'd like to see your kit, too!


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