When I grow up

When I was little I knew exactly what my dream job would be. I wanted a desk job. That is right. I wanted to be an office worker. I wanted a 9-5 job that when 5pm came around I could walk away from it, not bring work home. I wanted weekends off, 5 sick days and 2 paid weeks of vacation every year. Occasional overtime was acceptable but I did not want a job that would be my life. There was just nothing I felt that passionate about. I wanted a job to pay the bills & finance whatever interest I currently had. I wanted regularity of hours so I could plan my 'real' life easily around it.

I went to work in an office at 23 and held several intersting and not so interesting positions beofre I found my dream job. I worked as a telecom analyst for 800flowers in one of their call centers for 3 years. I was responsible for the call routing & system monitoring the agents performace. I analyzied the systems reports, helped plan staffing needs and the budget. I was paid well for my time 8:30a-5p and paid very well for any time after that. I could surf the web to my hearts content & as long as my work was done no one could ever really say I was goofing off because most of the people near me had no idea what I was really doing. I really really enjoyed my job, even the frustrations were amuzing, because it was exactly the job I had always wanted. I left it when my son was born & I don't regret it. I had planned to go back to work but my child care arrangements fell through & I realized I was actually kinda happy about it.

Now I am a SAHM. My oldest starts school 3 mornings a week this fall. My youngest will do that next year and the year after that both boys will be in school all week. I have started thinking about what I will do then. My old job is gone, reorganized away a year or so ago. So I can't go back to it. Having already done what I wanted to do, I am sort of at a loss on where to turn now. The 9-5 thing no longer answers my needs.


  1. I worked the 9-5 thing too. And although it's SOO much harder being a SAHM, I like it SOO much better!!

    And, like you, I have no desire to go back to the 9-5 thing although I did like it at one time. I actually don't want to go back. I want to enjoy some quiet time when the kids finally get to school!! LOL And volunteer at their school and maybe, get the house clean!!

  2. Do you think you'll do some kind of part time thing, so you're still home when the boys get home from school? I struggle with this myself. And how refreshing to see someone else admit that they didn't want a "career"! My thoughts exactly!

  3. Whenever we have a job we like, it doesn't always seem like a job. You are lucky to have had a job you liked. Maybe when the time comes for you to do something new in your life, the right opportunity will be open to you.

  4. Sounds like you're about to have a wonderful opportunity to find out what you really want to do for a job. Since you're so "crafty" and your kids are still small, maybe a home-based business of some kind? Good luck and have fun figuring it out!


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