Childhood play

When I was little I loved playing with dolls or playing with Weebles or the lego people. I loved creating stories about them & acting those stories out, making them talk & walk around & do things. I would get together with a couple of friends & we would either play with dolls in someone's basement or we'd go outside with the Weebles & lego people and build a fort, house, boats, etc for them out of sand, rocks, dirt, legos & lincoln logs, then have a great adventure with them. I remember I had the Weeble treehouse & the Weeble cowboy set & my friend Alexis had a Weeble pirate island and some one else had a RV type set & we'd set them all up and have Weeble village. These were different Weebles than what they sell now, these were egg shaped, weighted on the bottom and had a piece of paper wrapped around them under a piece of clear plastic. The paper had their face & costume printed on it & if you got the Weebles wet, water would seep in and the pictures would run. I had a tape recorder, one of those 70's era black rectangular things with the huge buttons on one end you see in period cop shows during interregation scenes. We'd use it to record us playing with the Weebles.


  1. Great memories, Stacey! I never had Weebles, but I had one of those tape recorders-we used it for all kinds of fun!

  2. Weebles for you and Little People for me.....such fun for such a basic toy!

  3. I am sure I remember the advert for Weebles here in the UK: in a sing-song voice, "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!" I never had one though...

  4. I remember getting weebles for my niece and singing the weebles jingle. I also had one of those tape recorders. In fact, I still use one in my classroom like that!

  5. I've never met a Weeble but they sound cute. Weren't those 70s toys great!?

  6. I LOVED Weebles! Mine always got wet though, because I insisted on taking them outside. My mom kept several tapes that I made on one of those recorders, too. They are hilarious to listen to now. Thanks for sharing!


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