morning thoughts

When I woke up, or when I got up? These are 2 different times separated by about 2.5 hours. Mayhem woke me up at shortly after 5am when he came in our room& climbed in our bed. My thought at the time was "Please God let him go back to sleep.", which is what I think every morning that he comes into our room before 6am. And as usual he did not go back to sleep. After about 30 minutes of him tossing around & playing & occasionally snuggling up to me, I told him to go watch TV and he did. So i went back to drowse while DH got up at 6 & got Mayhem breakfast. I actually got out of bed at 7:30am, when DH leaves for work. My first thought then was "I am going to the gym today & I mean it." I haven't been all week because of Havoc's recent separation anxiety. Its been growing on him slowly for a month or more but he's been downright hysterical about it this week. He tells me he is afraid he will miss me. So we have spent the last few days doing other things. But I like going to the gym & try to get there 3 days a week. He's gone through these periods before & periods where he gets upset when we *don't* go to the gym. When we talked about it last night he seemed to be getting upset just to see what my reaction would be, not because he was really upset. So I was determined to go this morning & if he pitched a real fit when we got there I'd deal then.

Never made it to the gym. Never made it 500 yards from my driveway. Flat tire. Turned around & came back to the house, tried to change it, couldn't get the bolts off. I used to be able to do that. I've changed every one of my flat tires & that is about 10, in my life. This is my second flat in 5 weeks. I had to get help changing that one from a guy who was willing to actually *help* as opposed to offering me his cell phone. Dude, if I had someone to call I would have done it before I jacked the car up. ::rolls eyes:: Don't know what has happened to my upper body strength. I even work out specifically on that. So DH is going to get an air tank from the repair place at lunch & coming home to inflate the tire so it can be driven in & they can fix it. I think he thinks I am going to do that..... The boys will be napping when he gets here. By the time they wake up & we get there, it will be 3pm & there is no point at all in arriving there at 3pm because they will never actually get to me & what the heck am I supposed to do with 2 toddlers In a gas station repair waiting room the size of the inside of my car?


  1. Stacey I always enjoy reading your blog. Your entries are so earthy, and I hope dh gets the tire fixed.

  2. man, what a bummer...I hope your dh helps you out!!!!

  3. Not a good start to the day there then ;o) Hope it gets better and the tyre gets fixed soon :o)

  4. Wow, what a morning! I'm impressed that you even tried to change a tire--I admit to not being a very liberated woman when it comes to doing stuff with the car!

  5. I love reading your posts! I hope you get the tire fixed. When I had 2 little girls, I usually got helped faster than others because the 2 drove everyone crazy and they couldn't wait to get us out!

  6. Don't you hate that when you know what to do but can't get the bolts off!!!! It's happened to me and is SOOOOO annoying! I've also noticed that flats come in groups -like you said, 2 in 5 weeks? At least you shouldn't get any more for years! Hope you get to the gym real soon... and good luck with that separation anxiety - those emotional scenes can be so horrible to deal with...

  7. WOW!! Your morning sucked! LOL, sorry, I mean that in a supportive way! I got stuck on the side of a freeway near Seattle once with a flat tire and I couldn't get the bolts off. Nobody stopped to help for 45 minutes, I was so frustrated!!

    Good luck with Drake! That's a hard thing to deal with.


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