
What music do I like? I admit to a partiality for 80's music - pop, metal, hair bands, alternative, but I was 13 in 1980 and 80's music is *my* music so I dont' apologize (though several friends thing I should :)) I also love Celtic music (clannad, gaelic storm) and medieval inspired music (Blackmore's Night & Loreena McKennit). I am not a fan of country music but everyone around here is. I have not kept up with mainstream music. I hear random songs that i like (on a radio station called SAM I pick up in the car) but I have no idea what Brittany Spears sings or Emminem's latest is called or who Puff Daddy is. I goto iTunes every so often & only ever recognize maybe one of the names on that are on the main page. I don't really care, eventually the boys will start listening to it & then I will too.

I listen to my iPod at the gym, though mostly audiobooks because listening to a good murder mystery motivates me to stay on the elliptical machine more than Duran Duran or the Scorpions do. I like to have music playing sometimes when I am making dinner, cleaning or scrapping. I put the 'modern rock alternative' Sirrus station on the TV (comes with DISH), but now I have DirecTV & need to figure out what XM stations to listen too. I've been listening to less music since the boys were born because I now appreciate silence in a way I never used to before. :)


  1. Really great music choices--I love Celtic music too, so I'll have to try some of your suggestions!

  2. Excellent music! I admit to loving 80's music too, every note of it!

    You have totally inspired me to get some audiobooks though, I never have enough time to read these days, but plenty of time to listen.

  3. I also admitted to liking 80s music, not keeping up with mainstream music AND liking silence. I feel so much better now!

  4. Stacey, search out stuff by Runrig. Absolutely awesome celtic band. Amazing Things is an album that will blow you away.


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