Public Service Announcement

Before you forward the latest email warning about flashing lights, date rape drugs, online petitions and pepsi cans PLEASE check out Your would be recipients will thank you. Actually they won't because if you check these things out you will find that 95% of them are hoaxes. So you probably won't forward them, so your would be recipients will never recieve them, sothey won't know to thankyou for not forwarding the hoax to them. If that makes sense.

My personal mission in life seems to be exposing internet email hoaxes & doing my best to spread the idea these things should be checked out before forwarding. Just because you received it in an email does NOT make it true.

I mention this now because my mom & my SIL, whom I love dearly, are big forwarders. They go through spurts where they forward stuff to me & I respond with snopes links about how it is a hoax. Then after a bit things get quiet & then it starts up again. Recently it has started again, so I am assuming things are making the rounds.

Please check before you forward. People won't know to thank you, but if they did, they would. :)


  1. I'm soooo with you on this one! It drives me crazy when I get some of this stuff and my sister believes it too!

  2. Another "Here! Here!" from me! I very rarely forward things, except perhaps the odd joke that has really tickled me. Not had many of those lately...

  3. Jane, you took the words right from my mouth! Here here times two. Everyone, repeat after me...Snopes is your friend... Snopes is your friend.


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