Are you pleased with what you look like? If you could change any part of yourself what would it be?

For the most part I am happy with what i look like. There is one part that I would like to change but am not having much luck with. Its the barrel that has taken the place of my abs. Not that I ever had the rock hard 6 pack or anything. i always had a bit of bulge below my navel but it was not this thick barrel that extends from chest to crotch. The muscles under it are firm after all teh ab work I have done, but the thick layer of fat disguises that. It started out as baby weight. 2 kids in 2 years and non-stop breastfeeding munchies kept me 20lbs over my pre TTC weight. I lost 10 of it & firmed up all those muscles. But the remaining 10 lbs is keeping the barrel roll look in place. I'd love to claim it as baby weight but I am too honest with myself to do that. The baby is 2.5 years old. This is cookie weight. Exeercise I can manage. Diets ain't my thing, but I suppose I really need to just indulge less and make some better choices. Or the roll will never go away


  1. Speaking of indulging...I just tried one of thos Dagoba chocolate bars you were talking about. It is wonderful and at the rate I'm eating it, I'll be enjoying for the next few weeks!

  2. LOL The "No Diet but No Cookies Either" Diet!! I think the tummy must be from having kids, stretched skin or something, truly. Mine is pretty squishy too :)

  3. I'm telling you girls, exercise is the trick. I am living proof. Just throw in some determination and you can't loose. I HAD about five rolls spilling over my jeans until I got sick of tucking them in all the time and worked like a crazy thing at gym. Fat rolls gone, loose skin?Always will have it. Exercise can't take that away.

  4. My hubby and I are not on a diet but we are changing our eating habits (plus exercise). We eat more protein, less carbs, and no sugar during the week. Then on weekends we eat anything we want. It is kind of a modified-atkins diet but we don't say diet, we say a "new way of life". Hubby has lost 65 lbs. in one year this way so I believe it works. You might try this and save the cookies for the weekend.

  5. I agree with Pat, it is a modification of eating habits that work. Currently being on a "diet" I still eat what I want, I just record it in the program "DietPower" to make sure that I get all the nutrients I need.


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