comuter habits

Write about your computer habits and space: When during the day you like to sit at the computer/email/scrap etc. Do you have snacks or coffee nearby? What about a pic of your computer space? (optional)What do you have on your desk, walls.

I am at my computer in the morning, while drinking my coffee & eating breakfast. I check my email & a couple of chat boards then. I get back on in the early afternoon, during 'quiet' time. ::eyeroll:: (like my kids are ever quiet). I visit DSP then & do any scrapping that I feel like. I often get on in the evening after dinner when it's Daddy Time. I'll check email & the boards/galleries and scrap. I try to attend chats in the evening but if the kids are at all a challenge to get to sleep I usually just collapse on the sofa & read.

I change my desktop photo every month. I use PSP to add a monthly calendar to whatever photo I choose. I have stacked monitors. I was not about to give up my 19 inch flat screen when I got the laptop to I arrange it so the flat screen is the top of the desktop & the laptop is the bottom. I can keep more windows open that way.

I may have a pic around here somewhere of my new set up. I'll upload it later if I can find it. Right now i am in my bedroom 'laying down' because I have a sore throat & generally don't feel up to rambunctious little boys.


  1. I hope you feel better--it's hard on families when mommy is sick! Put your feet up and have a cup of tea! :)

  2. Hope the rest helps Stacey - you sound so organised with your computers - waiting for the pic!

  3. It is hard of the kids and daddy but I believe every mother of young ones deserves 2 to 3 "days off" a month. I try to give that to my daughter as does her hubby. Necessary for Mental Health!

  4. I hope you are feeling better. I think it is so great that the kids have "Daddy Time!" And I can't wait to see a picture of your set up with the different screens!

  5. I like the sounds of your multi-tasking different screen set-up! So organised! I love that word too "rambunctious". brilliant.Hope you are not coming down with something..

  6. Your space sounds set up very nicely. :)

    And feel better!

  7. Looking forward to seeing the stacked monitors.


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