menu for the next 2 weeks

It's been awhile since I posted one. This focuses on both a main meal and then a leftover meal (sounds appetizing doesn't it - 'leftover meal'? I need to come up with something a bit more tasty....'reinventions' perhaps?) These are in no particular order. We had Kraft Mac & Cheese for dinner tonight (like Mom used to make:) ) which is not on the menu, so so far, menu 0 laziness 1.

Main Meals
Broiled Salmon w/sesame glaze
Steak & Spinich Salad
Chicken with beans & artichokes
Pork Loin w/teriyaki noodles
Burgers on the grill (DH is cooking)

Reinvented Meals
Pizza with steak & artichokes
Salmon cakes
Spaghetti with ragu of pork sauce
Chicken with coucous
Casserole to be determined.... (sounds like a threat to me)

That is 11 meals over 14 days (assuming the casserole needs made), plus we have had mac & cheese and we won't actully be home 3 of those days so technically I am one meal over what is required. This menu was designed to use my pantry. All I need from the grocery store for it is steak, pork loin & spinich. We're still absorbing the $780 in auto repairs from a couple weeks ago & I need new tires, so the grocery bill needs to be as small as possible this month. The pantry include 4 more boxes of Mac & Cheese, as well as fish sticks & taquitos, so I can be lazy at no additional expense :)


  1. My MIL always called them 'planned-overs', lol. Hope that helps...
    I like that you do this. My husband has been trying for 18 years to get me to plan our meal prep. When you have all picky eaters, who would RATHER have cereal than eat something they don't like, it is very hard to plan. I am trying to use up my pantry and freezer things right now too.
    Good luck on this!
    Have you seen It's my favorite recipe site that makes 'real people' food stuff.
    Take care and TFS

  2. Wish I could come up with a menu but hubby is too...spontaneous and with just 2 of us, we might decide to go eat at burger king at the last minute. Maybe they can be called reruns or Part1/Part 2. Maybe the "aftermath".


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