summer words

The words that caught my eye initially were - hot, sticky, sweltering - which describes the weather around here most of the summer. Then the words - inscects, bugs, camping - the first 2 explain why I dislike the third (so do the previous three actually). That was followed by - carnivals & fetivals - which are some of my favorite ways to spend summer evenings.

Where does the time go? I had really intended to do more scrapping this month. I did get 2 challenges at ScrapMommies done(using the same layout) adn I did finish a mini album I have been working on, using a mini album by Stacey Stahl. I have also created the wallet sized mini album for the freebie for next week and one quick page set. So it isn't as if I haven't done anything. But I just thouht I would have more challenges done. There are lots of them & I had no intention of completing them all but I'd sorta thought I would have done a few

At DSP I'm interested in the Daily Life, AAM, Boot Camp, IOTW, White Space(ends today) and Scraplift the Spotlight. Most of those end by Saturday or the next day. Plus I like Mission Possible & am interested in Staceys new chat.

At ScrapMommies I was hoping to at least do the Sketch, ABC, Scrap Therapy, Quote & AAM. I did get the Wedding & Alter ones done.

The weekend just flew by. Saturday was when I did both of the mini things, while laying in my room. Sunday I had coven & then we almost immediately went to a movie & then dinner. Dh & I are taking turns reading "Scream Free Parenting", & I read a couple more chapters last night, so he could read them tonight. And then it was bedtime. My parents are coming for a visit Thursday and staying until Sunday. I want to check out the galleries and everyone's blogs. I need to schedule my time better. Scrap during the day & do teh forums etc at night. I can sit on the sofa with the laptop that way.


  1. Short, sweet and way to much to the point, lol. Must say that I agree just about wholehardedly, except for the carnivals and festivals.

  2. It is impossible for a mommy to get everything done that she wants're right that it's all about budgeting your time. Somedays I wish there were 40 hours in one day!! :)

  3. wow! you are busy and ambitious! I agree with your summer words!

  4. I know exactly what you mean about expecting to get more scrapping done. I have done one layout in last couple weeks. However I have been busy with my events at Scrapbookers Playground and my DT duties at Digimoms Designs, so I haven't been totally goofing....

  5. I also expected to do more scrapping once school ended. But it seems like everyone pulls at me more in the summer because "since you are off, I need help..." and I have an awful time telling people no because they have done so much for me!


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