The favorite room in my house is my bedroom. Not because of the decor, it's painted a rather flat matte grey green, (nice color, but DULL) or all the natural wood furnitue. Certainly not because of the big metal gun safe in the corner :rollseyes:. But because of the bed. It's a very NICE bed. We bought a Tempur Pedic mattress last year. It is soooo comfy. Add to that my mass of pillows and a big poofy comforter & it's a great place to curl up with a book (as long as the males in the house are out of the house or the door is locked). It is quiet & peaceful, a wonderful retreat when "I have had enough!" as I tend to announce to the males. I'd take a photo of it right now but the males are all napping in there & I don't want to risk my lovely peace & quiet in the living room by accidentally waking them up.


  1. I am of the opinion that the bedroom should be the 'comfy-est' room in the house...sounds like yours is!

  2. Love pillows and comfy comforter too. Sounds heavenly.

  3. Sounds like a great getaway. And how come your males all nap during the day.. wish mine did ! LOL

  4. Sounds great Stacey. Bedrooms should be the most decadent room in the house. Now what are you doing wasting it on napping males?


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