
Right now my indulgence is solitude. Time alone to read. I can be on the computer withthe boys around but it hard to sit & read a book with them underfoot. So whenI am feeling indulgent I wil shut myself in the bedroom (lock the door) with some chocolate & a good book.

How would I like to indulge myself? well, this is only partly for me, mostly it is for DH. I would love to have a night nanny. Someone who works midnight to 8am and deals with all the middle of the night wakings and the up for the day 5:30am wakings. DH does it now because I am drugged to sleep & am usually too groggy and out of it to cope, though I have staggered back to the boys room a few times & blearily changed a few diapers, mostly it is all on DH. I would like us both to be able to sleep in together. So my big fantasy indulgance is a night nanny.


  1. I never thought of that--what a great indulgence! I've always said I can handle just about anything in the daytime, but not at night!

  2. Sounds heavenly...I'd consider having another child if I had one of those! LOL!

  3. Cheers to your hubby. My son-in-law, too, deals with the night feedings and wakings. That doesn't last long, though. SOon you will have nice quiet nights to yourself.

  4. I remember when I was in high school, the only way I got out of chores was to be in the bathroom. Boy, I got a lot of reading done! Of course my parents thought about taking me to the doctor for my "intestinal problems!" lol

  5. What a good dh, mine never has gotten up - a habit which started during breastfeeding times which he was, admittedly, quite useless at! :) A night nanny is an excellent idea it would be worth every cent!!

  6. Hang in there. Those nights won't last forever. The night nanny sounds like a great service for someone to start up.

  7. With my first child my dh got up in the night, he was very helpful, but with emma I was the one who got up most times, but luckily only till about 4 months and then she slept through, but now for the past two months for some reason she is waking every night screaming about lions in her room! (so yes i can relate to a night nanny!)

  8. Ohhh, that would be great to have. I well remember those night time visits, but ex was never around for them.


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