
100 words? Only? I ramble. We who ramble cannot be constrained by mere numbers. We must be free to go where our thoughts lead us, use as many graphic, evocative & creative adjectives as our minds wish. Ruthlessly ignoring the rules of grammer. Participles dangling, sentences unparsed (whatever that means) and verbs placed so far from their nouns, with so many intervening prepositional phrases, it is difficult to tell if they are the correct form or tense. Even the original topic is subject to discarding as thoughts free associate. 100 words? A mere 100? Exactly? Have you lost your mind?


  1. ROFL Stacey!!!!!!! I love this! I actually expected more people to spend their 100 words complaining about only 100 words! Well done!

  2. ROFL! Love your rambling LOL

  3. Ha, very clever-sneaky and good!


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