favorite Christmas memory

The boys were up early as usual. DH got up with them & kept them entertained for an hour or so while the rest of us slept. Unusually Grandma & Pa were up before I was. Around 7:30 DS2 apparently got tired of waiting for Mom to get up & came into the bedroom, walked over to me and said "Mommy you get up now! Presents! You get dressed!". The other thing that stands out in my mind was the sheer disappointment on DS1's face when the first present he opened was *not* the hot rod toy he had asked for. It was the only thing he had wanted & he was so sad that the package he opened was a Leapster. The next package was the hot rod & he was so happy he was totally uninterested in opening the rest of his gifts (though he did eventually).

Just as an aside, within 2 hours DS1 was happily playing with DS2's Cars vehicles and DS2 was busy playing with the hot rod. Ds1 did take the hot rod to bed with him though.


  1. That sounds like so much fun! He was probably overjoyed when he opened up the present that he had been wanting!

  2. My 2 1/2 YO was intent on only the "Thomas the Tank" gifts - everything else was not as exciting, though he has taken to playing with everything after giving his trains a good workout!

  3. LOL - that happened here two years ago. the kids started playing with the nerf guns the little guys got and didn't want to open anything else! it was surreal!


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