I've become my mother again

Tomorrow is Bunco night. The theme is the 80's. I can do the 80's. I am in fact embarrassed by the sheer number of clothing items I own that can be assembled for an 80's look. (and the thing is I purge my closet regularly, where do these wide belts come from and just *where* were those stirrup pants hiding anyway?). I have a few looks to choose from but I am thinking that the Flashdance thing is what I want to go for - leggings, a tank, scrunched up socks & a cut up, off the shoulder sweatshirt. I even have a sorority letter sweatshirt from 1987 to use.

Then it happened. I became my mother.

I got out the scissors, picked up the sweatshirt and said, out loud to myself, "Why are you ruining a perfectly good sweatshirt, cutting it up like that?" Which is exactly what my mom said 20+ years ago when I was getting ready to cut up a high school logo sweatshirt. Suddenly I was 18, in our kitchen, listening to Duran Duran, using my mom's "good scissors" & feeling guilty for cutting up a good shirt.

I did however continue to cut now as I did then.


  1. You are to funny!!! I am a total 80's girl at heart. My sister had an 80's themed Halloween party last year and I dressed right out of my closet.

  2. Oh my gosh, that is great. Ah, the 80's, we need to start a "bring back the 80's hair movement! LOL!!!

  3. The sad (or maybe not so sad) truth is we all become our Mother eventually. Hang in there for as long as you can.

  4. The 80's...wow...sounds great.

    Know what, in my country there's a band named Club 80's :D and they're sooo cool!



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