I wish someone had told me...

that disagreeing and arguing with someone does not mean you have to sever the relationship. You can be friends with people who disagree with you on things. You can even continue to love them. You can agree to disagree and respect one another's points of view. Disagreeing with an opinion is not the same as disliking a person. I don't know how many people in the first 25 years of my life I walked away from because we had one fight, one argument. They walked away as well, so its not just me who didn't know it. But I wish that was something that had been explained better to me when I was a child.


  1. You reminded me of something my mom used to say. My mother used to say "We will have to agree to disagree" and she used that alot so apparently she didn't agree with anyone! lol

  2. Totally agree! That would be great advice to give a youngster (assuming that a youngster would actually listen :) )!


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