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It's August, the last VBS is over & school starts in 2 weeks, so it is time to get back to the routine. That means trying to blog regularly again.
It was Lammas wednesday, the festival of the first wheat harvest of the year, the loaf-mass. Given that i am so fond of baking bread, I naturally planned to make a loaf for the occasion & had considered a few of my favorites. By morning I had decided that family dynamics required pizza for dinner so I would make pizza dough. Well, the morning went by. I took DS1 to VBS, did laundry, I did some homework, I read to DS2, & then it was time to pick DS1 up and no dough had been started. I knew I wouldn't get home in time to start some for dinner so I decided to buy some, even if it meant going into the crappy Food Lion (I like most Food Lions, it's just this one that sucks). As usual the Food Lion lived up to my expectations - no frozen dough, no premade crusts, not even Chef Boyardee Pizza in a box. I ended up buying crescent rolls, generic ones because they were out of Pillsbury, and using them. I should have just made a biscuit crust but that didn't occur to me until after dinner. So for Lammas we had 'bread' about as far removed from fresh ground wheat as you can possibly get. My sabbat intentions always fall through. However, last Sunday I prepared a feast for a dozen people that included hot flat bread grilled by me on open fire (ok it was a gas grill, but there was actual fire & I have the scorched arm hair to prove it). everyone said the meal was delicious & satisfying & this sunday I am making cheese bread for our coven's Lammas feast. I think that covers me. I may not have celebrated on the exact day, but I did and will be celebrating anyway.
Sounds like a neat celebration. I'm not sure what it is celebrating but I'm kind of glad I don't have to do this because I am not a bread maker, baker or any other kind of creator using bread and I'm not really fond of eating bread either. Glad you are back to blogging!