Merry Gently Used Christmas

Yep, that's right, my kids are getting pre-owned gifts for Christmas, unless the brand new version costs nearly the same. They are into the FP Imaginext stuff. We just got Havoc the new pirate ship for his birthday. Mayhem wants a pirate ship too.  Ebay has a couple dozen of them in older models at reasonable prices.  So I bought one.  It's in perfectly good used condition.  It's a different style & color than his brother's & that is all that truly matters.  I may buy a couple of the smaller ones as well, one for each boy. Then we can have a whole pirate fleet sailing the living room floor!  I'm also on the look out for a FP digital camera or near equivalent, though I am tempted to just get a cheap used regular digital, for Havoc and we're getting Mayhem a L-Max for his b-day in January.  I'll probably get that new but the games used.  Then there are the movies & books off of for the boys & other kids I need to get things for.  Yep, the queen of tacky, that's me - giving used books to other people's kids.  I must admit though that it's never actually come to that. I am prepared to do it, but I've always been able to find a new version for only a buck-ish more.  We're hard up for cash this year, so high quality used stuff is my option of choice. 


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