I'm not going to jinx myself

by mentioning how many toys we've had to return so far. We've been lucky.  My brother's family though has ended up returning about half their daughters' birthday presents.

Personally I'm kinda freaked out by the whole thing and am glad I'd already decided to go with books & games this year.  I'm not alone in this.  There are a whole bunch of people over at The Parent Bloggers Network sharing their thoughts & ideas about this as well.

Havoc is getting a new game for his Leapster, the movie Ratatouille, a game like High Ho Cherry-O or kiddy Uno, a giant puzzle by Melissa & Doug, and some books.

Mayhem is getting a new to him Imaginext pirate ship (Imaginext has not had any recalls), the Shrek 3 movie, a game to be determined. He wants Hungry Hungry Hippos, a set of Melissa & Doug wooden puzzles & some books.

Both will probably get a random wooden truck to be purchased at some point from the local co-op.

Both boys will get some Take Along Thomas stocking stuffers (also still blessedly recall free) and if I can find them some of the new Cars diecasts.

So obviously I am not banning all things Chinese made, but sticking with my usual shopping. We'd already decided to cut back on the toys this year so the recent recalls don't really affect my shopping

Check out the Consumer Union Advocacy site for updated information on toy recalls and ways you can help spread the "get the lead out" message this holiday season. Until we hit them in their pocketbook, big business has no vested interest in keeping our kids safe.


  1. It's very hard to know what is safe. It seems home-made is the only safe option.

  2. This is all so crazy.

    Thankfully, we didn't have any recalled toys... yet.

    My entry is here :)


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