Nothing to do but wait

and wonder...did I pack everything? What necessary & irreplaceable item have I forgotten to put in the suitcase? What am I suddenly going to remember in South Carolina?

I have lists of everything but the kids' toys and I'll have that once they pack them.  So far we have one giant suitcase, one overnight suitcase, one small dufflebag, 2 laptop cases, 2 sleeping bags, a soft sided cooler, a portable DVD player, a case of DVDs, 2 kiddy suitcases and a Wii. There will also be the winter coats we won't wear but feel obligated to bring with us in case it is really cold on our trip back (for the 5 second dash from car to restaurant or gas station bathroom).  I have my Zen loaded with about 14 audiobooks & am debating whether to bringmy crochet project along.  On the one hand 18 hours in a car with nothing to do is tedious. On the other hand there really is no room for a bag of yarn.

Havoc's glasses are in. We go pick them up after school, grab lunch with Daddy, come home, clean the house, select movies & toys for the trip, eat dinner, rush to the school for the thanksgiving play, get home around 9pm, pack up DH's clothes and go to bed. Tomorrow we leave as soon as we eat breakfast,  load the car, and round up the cats. A friend will be feeding them daily while we are gone so they have to stay in the house.  At some point I need a shower & the boys need baths.  Saturday night I can rest & then Sunday my brother's family arrives.  Busy, nosiy week ahead.


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