Photo of the Day Jan 21-27
I decided to do Project 365 this year, taking at least one photo a day, ever day. My theme is the boys' toys. Every day I take a picture of whatever toy is handy when I get around to taking the photo. These are the most recent. I'm going to try to post them weekly.
Jan 21 - Havoc's favorite bedtime toys

Jan 22- trains trapped under track. Life on the Isle of Sodor is dangerous

Jan 23 - The gate is to keep our elderly cat out of the boys' room but they play a game called "puppy' with it. The one in the room is the puppy & the other one is the daddy & has to find food & blankets for the puppy

Jan 24-We've had this 4 inch helicopter for almost a year. The fact that it still has it's blades is miraculous

Jan 25-This seems to be a parade of race cars. Not sure why the big Lightening McQueen is on the firetruck though

Jan 26 -Long awaited birthday present

Jan 27 -Another birthday present that is getting all the play time today
Jan 21 - Havoc's favorite bedtime toys
Jan 22- trains trapped under track. Life on the Isle of Sodor is dangerous
Jan 23 - The gate is to keep our elderly cat out of the boys' room but they play a game called "puppy' with it. The one in the room is the puppy & the other one is the daddy & has to find food & blankets for the puppy
Jan 24-We've had this 4 inch helicopter for almost a year. The fact that it still has it's blades is miraculous
Jan 25-This seems to be a parade of race cars. Not sure why the big Lightening McQueen is on the firetruck though
Jan 26 -Long awaited birthday present
Jan 27 -Another birthday present that is getting all the play time today
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