Technology gap

My parents are in town for a visit.  Dad will be 70 this year, mom will be 69 on Tuesday.  My 4 and 5 year old do not understand that their grandparents have no idea how to use a Wii, that they have never seen or used a Wii and that they will need some time to figure out the controls.

Dad wasn't here 5 minutes before Mayhem had him sitting in front of the TV, Wiimote in hand and playing tanks. Or at least, trying to play tanks. Tanks is Mayhem's all time favorite Wii game and he doesn't understand that Pa does not instinctively know how to play tanks. Havoc had created Miis for Grandma & Pa earlier this week in anticipation of their arrival. I did try to explain that it would take some time for them to figure out how to use it.  The boys didn't get it. They tried to explain how to use the Wiimote, but Mayhem's version of explaining is "You do dis Pa! Wike dis!" and Havoc runs back & forth between Grandma and the TV, wanting to be next to it to watch Grandma's Mii play tennis & wanting to push the buttons for her.

Pa still has not figured out tanks, but he is fishing just fine and doing well at baseball. Grandma can now bowl and play tennis. The boys are delighted.


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