Finished a crochet project at last!

I've been working on these amigurumi dinosaurs since June.  I'm fast enough crocheting the wider parts but I'm not so good when the circle is only 8 stitches around.

This is the brachiosaur and the stegosaurus I made.



The stegosaurus is my own pattern creation.  I got the brachiosaur pattern from Claudia Vodermaier.  My dino does not include the back ridges because I was informed by my 4 year old "Brachiosaurs don't have plates Mama!" The boys like them though.  Havoc already has the brachiosaur fighting fires at the castle with the knights. (it has such a long neck it can blow mouthfulls of  water over the ramparts)

I'm going to remake both of them, with some adjustments, in pink and yellow for my nieces. The brachiosaur's neck will be a couple stitches wider & slightly shorter & his body a maybe a couple of stitches narrower, plus I'll include the ridges.  The stegasaur will be bigger all over.

But first I have to make a triceratops


  1. These are so cute! I saw you twittered about them but I never got a chance to get over here and look until now!

  2. Oh my word, how cute! Did you do that design yourself? I think homemade items are the best! My son would love them! I can't crochet though, well, maybe just one long line of loops :)


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