Summer Reading - round 4

There are entirely too many library books checked out right now. We currently have so many library books out that they don't all fit on the 'library book' shelf. I'm going to have to start setting limits, maybe just 7-8 books each.

This time we checked out:

  1. Hooway for Wodney Wat
  2. Score One for the Sloths
  3. The Wingdingdilly
  4. Captain Underpants and the Big Bad Battle of the Bionic Booker Boy - books 1 & 2
  5. Discovering Dinosaurs with a Fossil Hunter
  6. Plaeteosaurus
  7. Dooby Dooby Moo
  8. The Jungle Baseball Game
  9. How I Became a Pirate
  10. Pirates Don't Change Diapers
  11. Ornithomimus
  12. Safari
  13. Dinosaur Dinosaur
  14. Dinosaurs
  15. All Aboard the Dinotrain
  16. The Big Book of Dinosaurs
  17. Berestain Bears Count Their Blessings
  18. Berestain Bears and Mama's Day

The dino theme is still going strong with Mayhem, all those dino books were his selections. Havoc picked the others. Plus we have about 10 books that didn't get returned because they want to read them again.

************Dinner Score******************

Wednesday - roast chicken, spinach salad & flatbread

Both boys ate a bite or 2 of chicken & salad and all their bread

Thursday - spaghetti with spinach alfredo

Havoc picked at it, claiming it smelled funny. Mayhem ate it all



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