A letter to my son


Today is your first day of kindergarten. You've been looking forward to it.  We met your teacher and saw your classroom 2 days ago. You told me she seemed nice and you couldn't wait to play with all the things in your class room. You were very excited about getting to ride on the bus this morning and when it finally came you climbed on with a quick goodbye and hardly a backward glance. My little man! So grown up already.

I'm glad you are so eager & so positive about this experience.  I want this to be a happy time,something you look back on with fondness, but being Mom, I worry. I'll always worry about you. That's my job.

Starting today you will now spend more time with others than you do with me and I worry. Will they be kind to you? Will they understand you? Will they patient? Will you make friends? Will they be good friends? What sort of friend will you be? Which of the myriad of influences you will be exposed to, will you pick up?   Have I taught you the interpersonal skills you need to make friends and to cope in strange & new situations?  Have I provided the best example of kindness, tolerance & understanding?

I want to be there to hold your hand as you walk to your classroom. I want to be a friendly & familiar face in new and unfamiliar environment. I want to help & encourage you when you meet your new classmates.  I want to assist you to interpret & filter the things being said & done around you. I want to hold you and never let you go. You are leaving me & going out into the world, which is what you are supposed to do & what I want you to do. But it is so hard letting go.

You are a sensitive soul. You want to help. You are good with smaller kids & assisting people who need it. But you are fragile sometimes. You can be hurt so easily by a mean word. You are strong and you are sure of yourself too, so the pain doesn't usually last long. You have it in you to be a leader & encourage others. You are smart & pick things up quickly. You are good & kind person. I am proud of you

I hope your teacher can help you learn to focus your energy on your classes. I hope she has better luck that I did. I hope you make good and lasting friends this year. I hope you become an even better person than you already are. I hope this year fulfills the expectations you have for it today.

I love you with all my heart



  1. Awww -- this is so sweet. I hope he has a wonderful 1st day.

  2. Very sweet!

    My little man starts Kindergarten in two weeks. I am SO nervous for him, even though I know he is ready.

  3. Oh :*) That was so sweet! Happy first day to your son! I hope he has a wonderful year!

  4. This is so sweet. I'm working on a letter to me daughter to help me remember what a funny little baby she is. It's hard! You wrote this so great!

  5. This brings back such poignant memories of last year for me. You'll look back on this letter and treasure it years from now.

    I hope his day was grand!

  6. That is so precious. I hope he had a fantastic day! He will cherish that letter when he is older!

  7. Loved your account of this special time of year. This was a really sweet account of your thoughts, and I could totally relate. Thanks so much for sharing it as part of the Kindergarten Chronicles! I'll be posting another Mr. Linky on Thursday of this week. Hope you will join us!


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