I just don't get it

Mayhem loves PB&J sandwiches. He eats them almost every day. He has been asking me to make PB&J muffins for a month now. Today I finally make them....

He refused to eat them. Said they smell bad. - WITHOUT actually being in the room to smell them. WTF?

I think making him part of the process is the problem.  Most kids, if you let them help they are more likely to eat the food. Mayhem is the opposite. Seeing eggs mixed into peanut butter is gross. Smelling them is even grosser. Sometimes things don't smell or taste as good raw as they do when baked (Cookie dough is the exception. Cookie dough is better raw than baked) He doesn't understand that baking changes the taste & smell of things. That the slimy eggy peanut butter combines with the other ingredients into light fluffy baked goodness. He can smell that the finished muffin is different than the batter. He can see that it looks different. But he cannot forget what it once was. The raw batter was nasty looking. So the baked muffin is also nasty.

The part that irritates me the most is the rejection without trying. OK, if I am making jalapeno muffins and you don't like jalapenos, feel free to reject them without tasting. But when you love PB&J sandwiches and I am handing you a PB&J sandwich in muffin form, rejection without tasting is not an option.

I made him eat half a muffin. He admitted it tasted like a PB&J sandwich - mostly. Somehow I doubt he'll eat another one. Havoc ate one. He said it was ok. He said he might have one for breakfast. I like them but I don't think this was a keeper.


  1. My kids are 5 and 7 and have been fabulous eaters until a month ago when my 5-year-old decided he will only eat about 3 things and doesn't want to try new things anymore. He tells me he hates things he has always loved. And, in general, is just being a brat about it. A little attention deprived are we? But... PB&J, fortunately, has remained on the list. I think I'll have to try out the muffins.

  2. lol KIDS.. what a bummer about the muffins! Connor has done similar to me before, makes me a bit spazzy.


  3. Bummer. Silly Mayhem is missing out!

  4. Muffins sound VERY good to me right now...


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