Menu planning for the second half of August

I have really fallen down on dinner planning for the past few weeks. Meals have been very haphazard & food is being wasted. Today I inventoried my freezer & pantry, then locked myself in the bedroom with my recipe cards and planned out 12 meals for the next 2 weeks. I only actually cook about 10 of them. We go out for dinner once a week, do rotating cookouts with friends on Sundays & at least once in 2 weeks dinner will be courtesy of Kraft or Mrs Paul. This is what I have come up with for the rest of the month, in no particular serving order.

Chicken with cider & parsnips

Pocket sandwiches - chicken & veggies

Pesto chicken pizza

Miso chicken sandwiches

Scotch eggs & salad

Baked eggs with potatoes

Greek marinated steak & feta salad

Steak chimichuri & veggie kabobs (our turn at grill night)

Spaghetti carbonara

Pizza di spaghetti

Turkey croquettes with spinach mashers (new to me Rachel Ray recipe)

Sweet pea soup with parmesan garlic toast

I'm feeling proud of myself because I've managed to come up with a menu that leaves me with little to no waste. Instead of being left with a quarter cup of cream, half a thing of thyme & 3/4 of a cup of broth; I'll use up a carton of cream between 2 meals, a packet of fresh thyme between 3, a box of chicken broth between 2 and a bag of spinach with 3. Plus I can make double the amount of the cider chicken & use the leftovers on the pizza and in the pocket sandwiches and extra spaghetti carbonara becomes pizza di spaghetti 2 days later. Only the cider chicken & the pocket sandwiches need the oven, everything else is stove top or grill.

What are the boys likely to eat on this list? Pizza, assuming there is just cheese on theirs, the spaghetti & possibly the pocket sandwiches and the pizza di spaghetti. Havoc might eat the egg meals, Mayhem probably will not. They have never had the croquettes or the sweet pea soup so it is hard to predict their reactions. Not the most kid friendly menu I've ever done but we've had almost constant kid friendly stuff the past few weeks. It's the grown ups turn.


  1. HA- meal planning! I still have a lot to learn in this new parenting gig.


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