The boy is bored.

Mayhem misses Havoc. He's not used to being Havoc-less for more than a few hours, a couple days a week. Last year Havoc went to preschool 5 mornings a week and Mayhem went 3 mornings, so there were only about 6 hours a week where Mayhem was alone. Most of those hours were spent at the gym play area and running errand with mom. This year Havoc is away from 7:15 to 4pm. It is a long time to be without your brother. The first day of school Mayhem walked down to the mailbox twice to wait for his brother (and was given the lecture of his life the first time on "NEVER EVER go down the driveway without Mommy or Daddy" and a smack on his but the second time. It's cute, but it's dangerous). Finally it was time to go meet the bus

waiting1stday007 (2)a

It was a loooong wait because they couldn't tell me when they would drop him off so we were 15 minutes early.

Yesterday and today have been more of the same, minus the walks to the mailbox, instead he asks every 20 minutes "When we go get Havoc?" The only thing that distracts him from his boredom is Super Why on PBS & that's only on 2x a day. I've tried to involve him in things. We've set up train tracks, we've made muffins, we've set up the sprinkler & built blanket forts. But none of it is the same without Havoc apparently.

Naturally this newfound longing to spend time with brother only lasts for about 15 minutes after Havoc gets home. Then the "Mom!!!! He did something" cries begin.  I've got one more week before Mayhem starts preschool. Its going to be a long week.


  1. School starts Sept 4th for my two older kids . My 2 yr old will be all alone all day. Hes not going to know what to do with out his other to partners in crime :(

  2. Alex is going to miss Ben like crazy come Monday. Poor kids.

  3. That's so sweet. My little one doesn't miss his brother or sisters one iota. He's got run of the house, the only thing he was feeling was angry that he didn't get dropped off with the others. He's mister independent for now. Hope your wait is short and painless.

  4. That is VERY sweet! Ahhh, brotherly love...

  5. I know my Lucas is going to have a hard time when EJ & Maddie are both in school full time. He's gonna be so sad!

  6. This is a beautiful photo. Sorry to hear that he is missing his brother.


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