The Cost of Friendship

Jeans, on sale for                        $12

Beach tote, on sale for                  $8

Thomas Train DVDs, on sale for     $5

320GB EHD, on sale for                $89

High heeled boots, on sale for      $72

100% bamboo yarn, on sale for       $9

15' swimming pool on sale for     $150

Having a friend who lets you know where all the best sales are



  1. Getting goodies from a sale is possibly the best thing I can think of. It kinda gives me a nice high.

  2. LOL! That really should be an American express commercial! That was cute. Now, exactly WHERE are those sales?? ;)

  3. Ohhh I need a friend like that! I never hit the best sales...I only hear about them after they're over!

  4. I couldn't agree more. :) My best friend and I tell each other every time one of us finds a sweet deal. lol.


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