Wordless Wednesday sort of

Impatient with my slow toy production time, Mayhem has decided to just knit the things himself.

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  1. That is really cute!!! What a cool kid!

  2. Very cute. You can use that as a blackmail pic when he is older.

  3. This is too funny...

    When I decided I wanted to learn to crochet I waited for my SIL to visit to ask her. Hubby was miffed and said, "Why didn't you ask me? I could have shown you how!"

    He also knew how to thread my sewing machine without reading the instructions. LOL - teach those boys how! It could come in handy. LOL

  4. How cute. That's the way knitting gets done, in a diaper.

  5. WOW!! That is awesome! Happy WW!

  6. LOL -- that's definitely worth saving for later years!

  7. I love that photo! So into it! :) Absolutely adorable!

  8. :D that is such a cute pic. I know where you're coming from with the muffins too. My kids love to bake them, but rarely eat them, so I usually end up being the one to eat them all. Aargh....just can't bring myself to throw away good food. LOL.

  9. That is so cute! Now I want to go knit something... it's been awhile.

  10. LOL That is too funny! I wonder if he will learn how to do that when he is older.

  11. hahahahaha, what a cutie pie! I can't believe how big he is!

  12. Cuuute!

    Could he make me some socks?


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