Dear Lego company

Could you do a size somewhere between the duplo and the regular legos please. Or make Indiana Jones Duplos?

And by the way, pressing those little single peg legos together ALWAYS pinches my fingers.

k' thx'


Havoc got an Indian Jones Lego set for being 'good' today. (Don't ask me to define good, I have no idea why he has it, unless good means not actually knocking displays over while tearing around the wal mart. I'm tired, my shoulder hurts & I was pretty much numb from the overwhelming volume of noise. I suspect Havoc got the Legos because he was marginally better than Mayhem & that is 'good' enough) Anyway for whatever reason Havoc ended up with the Indiana Jones set of 2 motorcycles from Last Crusade, which is the only IJ Lego set near his age. Most of them are 8-12. I had to put it together but he's been able to put it back together so it's good.

They are watching Last Crusade now & playing with the legos.  My ears are ringing with the near silence


  1. LOL! Sounds like their having a good time.

  2. he he, i love the nicknames you have for the kiddos. I can totally relate to your previous post about not intervening when the kids do crafty things. Drives me nuts.

  3. LOL I I wish I had some silence in this house!! I rented speed racer in hopes that my boys would sit for a few .. no dice !!

  4. My son LOVES Legos...and it is sooooo Daddy's job to put them all together!

  5. Legos, argh. They're a hazard to bare feet everywhere.

    Congrats on the silence. Maybe nows the time to sneak an Icee. ;-)


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