I've been baking

I made cupcakes Saturday and muffins yesterday. The cupcakes were for a pot luck party my bunco group was having. The muffins were for the family.

I ate several of both batches.

The cupcakes were cheesecake brownie cupcakes. I used the recipe for Mrs Field's Cheesecake Brownie Cups found here at RecipeZaar.com. However, I am not sure what it is with me & measuring, but I ended up with 16 cupcakes instead of 12. They were very well received.

I had 2 bananas that needed to be used yesterday so I made muffins. I was going to make peanut butter banana muffins, in the hopes of tempting Mayhem to actually eat a muffin rather than just demand to make them. But he'd gone on a PB&J spree over the weekend & there was insufficient peanut butter remaining. I decided to replace it with Nutella. Chocolate, bananas, hazelnuts...yum!

Nutella Banana muffins

Preheat oven to 400 and prepare 12-18 muffin cups. (recipe claims 12, I made 18)

In a large bowl mix together

2 cups flour

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 tblsp baking powder

1/4 teas salt

In a smaller bowl mix until well combined

1/2c Nutella

2 tblsp oil

2 eggs

3/4 c warmish milk

2 medium bananas mashed (or pureed like I did)

This will take some time if you do it by hand. The Nutella and the milk & the eggs do not want to combine, but they will if you keep at it. I don't own a hand blender so I stuck it out with a whisk.

Pour the liquid ingredients over the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. This will be a thick but liquid batter. Fill muffin cups 3/4 full with the batter. Bake for 20 minutes or so. Test with a toothpick.

These are very good banana muffins with a chocolate & nut background flavor. If you want a chocolate & nut muffin with a banana flavor I suggest omitting one banana and increasing your Nutella by a couple of tablespoons. And you can add some mini chocolate chips as well.


  1. Yum! You are more than welcome to send some baked goodies my way!

  2. see...now that just isnt nice. now i want a cupcake!

  3. Those muffins just sound too yummy for words. Yum!

  4. You've been twittering about these muffins and all I had were bagels in the house.


  5. OMG, those sound SO GOOD! I MUST try them sometime soon. Although, maybe after I get a decent mixer :p

  6. OMGosh! That sounds AMAZING! I must try this soon! :)

    I am printing the cheesecake one now...lol

  8. Ok I want some!! You need to mail me some of those! LOL! I love Nutella!

  9. one of my favorite things about the fall is the baking that i can do. i just love the smell of something baking in the oven. if i don't have anything baking, i have a candle lit with a similar scent. LOVE IT!!!

  10. See, now I have a reason to buy that ginormous tub of Nutella at Costco! Definitely going to make these! Yum!

  11. should not have read this before making dinner...salivating...

  12. There must have been something in the air...yesterday was baking day for me too...one batch of banana muffins, one batch of Banana Split muffins (bananas, strawberries and choc chips), and one batch of Bee Rocks for lunches next week. Nutella is SOOOO yummy, I will have to put that in next time!

  13. Unfortunately I'm not a Nutella fan, but my girls would LOVE these muffins! I may try them out just for them. A treat I can make them that I won't eat all up myself. lol


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