My stack of books

This is the current stack of books on my nightstand

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The ones with paper sticking out are the ones I am reading currently. The rest are waiting their turn.

I am currently reading

The Provincial Lady in London by E M Delafield, which is a humorous semi-fictional journal first published in 1933. This is a reread for me. I've read the entire 5 book series a few times & always enjoy it.

For Keeps edited by Victoria Zackheim, which is a collection of essays written by women about growing older, their bodies and learning to accept these things. I've borrowed it from the library and they want it back Monday so I need to focus on it this weekend.

Buddhism for Mothers by Sarah Napthali, which is a very good parenting book about remaining calm & being all zen with your kids. I'm rereading it for the 3rd time because I'm having issues with equanimity thing lately.

Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith, which is historic fiction about Princess Margaret of York, sister to Edward IV and Richard III. I just started it yesterday & it seems pretty good so far.

The Saucier's Apprentice by Bob Spitz, which is memoir of his travels & classes at various cooking schools in Europe. I've been reading this book for over a month now, which is unusual for me. I'm not finding the narrator very likeable, nor do I have much fondness for anyone else he encounters. But I don't dislike the book, I think I'm just having a hard time getting into it.

I am waiting to read

Celebrating the Great Mother by Cait Johnson, which is a collection of ideas for celebrations relating to various Goddess festivals. I need to look through it for ideas for Mabon on the 22nd.

The Provincial Lady in America by EM Delafield, which is the next book in the series

The Reavers by George MacDonald Fraser, which is hysterically funny historical fiction by the man who does the Flashman books. At least I am assuming it is hysterically funny based on the quick browse through I gave it in the library yesterday and the Flashman books I have read

Stealing Athena by Karen Essex, which is historic fiction featuring the Greek courtesan Aspasia and Mary, the Duchess of Elgin, linked together by the Elgin Marbles

The First Queen of England by Linda Porter, which is non-fiction about Mary Tudor. I haven't read much that is very sympathetic to Bloody Mary, as she is known, so this should be interesting

One Year Off by David Elliot Cohen, which is memoir of the year his family spent traveling around the world. It has been sitting at the bottom of the TBR pile since mid-June. It's original due date was June 26. I want to read it. I just find other things I want to read *more*.

So, if I am behind on visiting blogs, or commenting on layouts, or I haven't called you in a while, you know why. Sorry about that. I've kinda got a bad book jones going on.


  1. My stack only has two at the moment, but I'm going to add to it when I get to the library tonight! I tend to read more in the fall/winter for some strange reason.

  2. That looks like my stack. I haven't been able to fit in much reading since becoming a Momma, unfortunately. The "Must Reads" just keep piling up.

  3. I loooove historical fiction so a couple of those look right up my alley!

  4. I'm drooling here... I love historical fiction! I'll have to check some of these out!

  5. Oh goodness, I'm working on reading Elantris. For two weeks now, I'm only on the 10th page. It's so sad. I need to keep up.

    Have a great week ahead.


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