8 more days of NaBloPoMo

So far I am doing good. I made a promise to myself this year when I decided to do NaBloPoMo again - no memes or themes, apart from Weekly Winners. If I was going to do this, I was going to do it with my own ideas, not posts prompted by others. Plus only one post allowed about how hard NaBloPoMo was getting & how I had no ideas to post. I was going to come up with 25 posts of my own creation, 23 of which had to be about something other than NaBloPoMo. I wanted to do the month of writing (NatNoWriMo, or something like that), but I'm not ready to commit to that much writing yet, so I compromised with this structure.

I'm feeling pretty good about it. All my posts so far, apart from Weekly Winners have been ideas of my own devising and I was blessed that they came to me relatively easily. I have a several sheets of a notepad filled with topic ideas that will last me through November and farther.

One is an idea to live tweet our 2 day drive to Florida next month and then do a post about it. Problem is I cannot type worth crap on a regular cell phone and it'd take me 10 minutes to type "entering South Carolina" while I figured out how to get the S and C to be uppercase while the rest stayed lower case.  The battery on my current cell has just about given up entirely on recharging but I don't know if my desire to tweet our trip justifies the cost of a phone with a QWERTY keyboard.

Then again, maybe I'll just save those ideas for 2009 blog fodder and instead do the 25 Memes of Christmas.  I'm not sure I could actually pull that off though because we'll be on the road 4 days that month and 4 more days will be Weekly Winners. 

Maybe I could do the  25, 24, 21, or so, Memes of Christmas.


  1. I don't know how you do it.

  2. Your doing great! I like the idea of brainstorming ideas for future blogs - I just kinda sit down and type - never know what will come out.

    This is my first time doing NaBloPoMo and I had no goals other than to blog everyday. So far so good with that goal :)

  3. ARGH! I cannot type to save my life - first word in comment should be You're - I do really know the difference between your and you're.

  4. How about the 12 Memes of Christmas?

  5. at this point every november i am amazed a nablopomoers. i bailed on day three or four......

  6. You nablopomoers are awesome. I know I could never commit to anything like that! And I love the leaves pictures. Poor kitty on the doorstep.


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