Coming Down with Something

Last night about 10pm I got very cold. Very very cold. Not really shaking with chills but I just couldn't get warm. I went to bed in long johns under 3 blankets & kept waking up every hour or so with my muscles aching from being clenched with cold while I slept. This went on until about 3am when suddenly to was too hot to stand & then it was cold again & then it went away and I slept for a few hours. I felt ok when woke up but then about 5 minutes later I had to get back into bed because I was shaking & felt weak in the muscles. I have no fever and now I feel pretty good, just a bit cold, despite wearing a shirt and fleece pullover. But I don't trust my muscles enough to take Body Pump today. There is a chance I'd feel warm & good after class and there is a chance that halfway into it I'd have to leave because I can't lift anything. I don't feel achy, but I feel the potential to be achy if you know what I mean. I may do some WiiFit after Mayhem goes to school, just get the blood flowing & see if that helps.

Mayhem was up half the night too. He was stressing about a toy he found on the bus. He's been having some kind of separation anxiety lately that focuses on objects. Monday he was in tears in Safeway because I wouldn't let him have a grape he dropped on the floor. "But it was my favorite grape" he cried. Then all day at random he'd mention "I really miss my grape" and sometimes cry. He found this tiny rubber penguin on the bus yesterday & we told him it probably belongs to someone who is missing it so he has to ask the bus driver if anyone has reported it lost. About 5 minutes later he starts sobbing "but I wuv my penguin. I don't want to give him away." and was inconsolable for about 15 minutes. The rest of the night he'd be playing or reading and just start crying about how he's going to miss the penguin. He didn't mention the penguin in the middle of the night when he joined us, but he was very clingy. This morning he lays down with me and just sobs about the penguin. I told him if the bus driver said no one had asked about the penguin he could keep it. That cheered him up some but he is still very worried he might have to give up the penguin. I feel so bad for the little guy. He seems almost heartbroken about it.

ETA - The bus driver said no one mentioned a missing penguin to her and told Mayhem he could keep it.


  1. Feel better - it's hard to be sick when you are a mom. Poor boy, I hope he moves past this anxiety quickly.

  2. Poor little guy :(

    I hope you start feeling better soon!

  3. Poor thing. I hate being sick.

    And I hope your son feels better soon. Ben went through something similar when he was about 3.

  4. Hope you get better! Its cold and wet here so I know why Im cold here!

  5. Ugh...being sick stinks! Feel better!

    And I am glad he got to keep the penguin. My youngest was like attached to the weirdest most random things.

  6. It's also wet and cold here. I hope you feel better soon.

    Ohhhh- how can have a favorite grape ;)? I hope he gets over it.

    I will be away for 2 weeks - might be leaving the club too but I will try to visit from time to time. It was nice to get to know you!

  7. It's no fun when moms get sick. There is no downtime. I hope you have a quick turn around.

  8. I hope you feel better soon!! It's so hard being sick and still having to take care of the family!

    Your son sounds so sweet!! My son gets like that sometimes too about certain things.

  9. Poor thing, that's quite the anxiety. I hope you're feeling better soon, it's never any fun being sick.

  10. That sweet boy. I hope he gets to feeling better. And I hope you are able to get some rest and feel better!

  11. I hope you are feeling better!

    I'm glad Mayhem got to keep the penguin!! :-)


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