Girls Day Out

I went with a couple of GFs yesterday on an outing.

We drove an hour to go to Wegmans.

Wegmans is a totally cool, huge grocery store & I enjoyed being there enormously because we just don't get much variety here with Safeway & Food Lion, especially in produce or in prepared food - like stuffed flank steak, you just need to cook.

The 3 of us did some regular grocery shopping plus bought stuff for a big dinner our 3 families had that night.  I spent $125 and came in considerably lower that the other 2. But I only bought 2 bottles of wine.

As much fun as I had there & as much as I am looking forward to going again - when did going to a different grocery store become an exciting & fun thing to do?  This is now the wild thing I do with my GFs.



  1. Hehe - funny that it's your wild thing now! And it's funny how priorities change through our different life stages! :)

  2. Yep, wold night out at the grocery store. Sounds like mine at the library!

  3. LOL...I would love a night at a fab grocery store! :)

  4. ROFLOL! That is so funny. Amazing how a good time changes from going out on the town to better gricery store shopping - from 20 somethings to 30 somethings.

  5. Mmmmmm wine. Cannot leave without the staples of life! LOL

  6. Haha...true signs we are in the throes of parenthood. Hubby and I actually had a night out on Friday, and what did we do? spent an hour standing by ourselves at the party talking about our baby. Der.

  7. big girls night out for me is going to dinner and then going to buy yarn or read crafty books at barnes and noble -- and i like it. when, oh when, did this happen?

  8. well, wegman's isn't just any grocery store! the seafood bar, the sandwich shop, the amazing sushi counter, the asian buffet! my husband and i go on dates there, and then come home with the groceries we need. unfortunately, all the money i save on cereal and dry goods (they are SO much cheaper there), i blow on the fun stuff.

  9. I absolutely love trips to Wegman's. Ours is far away, too, so only get to go a couple times a year. Always frustrate DH because I love the experience more than the shopping...can walk the aisles for hours :-)

  10. Awesome! I grew up near Wegman's and in HS going there was a normal part of a social outing.

  11. Sounds like a fun time! I totally need a girls day out


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