
I've been shopping a lot lately. One of the boys' Xmas presents is a bunk bed. We've been planning this for awhile & putting some aside for it because GEEZ! bunk beds are expensive and that is without the mattresses. I tried Craigslist but any decent looking used one was as much as a lower end new one & I wasn't really seeing any reason but style behind the costs of the higher end ones, especially since I wanted a simple light colored wood one that could convert to 2 beds. And mattresses! OMG! it's like you can have $80 crap mattress or a $300 decent one. Admittedly we spent $1100 on our queen sized Comforpedic, but we don't have bed wetting issues. Nor do we jump up and down on them or use them as springboards for superman leaps. I just want a good solid mattress that will stand up to years of boys. Once we're safely past the bed wetting I'll get them some memory foam covers for the mattresses. 

Oh yeah, and I have to buy sheets, blankets and comforters too.  And rubber mattress covers. The boys sleep in toddler beds still. We are ill equipped for the change over.

I found a bunk bed I liked that was $100 more than I had intended to spend.  But when I took the boys to jump on mattresses at Mattress Discounters (you know, to try them out) the manager sold me 2 mattresses for $100 off. (Possibly in the hopes I'd remove the bouncing demons from his store that much faster). The mattresses will be in Thursday. The bunk beds had a delivery date of Nov 13-19. But I received word that 4 of the 5 boxes are at the store for pick up now.

I'm dubious. Items arriving before the earliest delivery date? 3 whole days before the earliest delivery date? These things don't happen. They are either broken, or not my order. The only reason they might possibly be my order is the box that is missing is the top guard rail. So I can take the bunk bed home, assemble it, but no one can sleep in the top bunk until the rail arrives...probably on the 19th. That I can see happening.

So Friday DH will pick up the mattresses and what has arrived so far of the bunk beds and we will assemble them Saturday. Or rather HE will assemble them Saturday. I will be taking the boys to Wal Mart and Target in search of bedding.

I bought a bag for the camera from Stitch Wicked on etsy.

She does custom bags but I was so overwhelmed by the amount of fabric on eQuilter that I couldn't make up my mind, so I bought one of her already completed ones. I am hoping the fact that it is grey will offset the unmanly small floral print for DH.


  1. My kids are just dying for bunk beds, but they don't sleep in the same room, so we really have no reason right now. Good luck getting your's all together and getting all the bedding and stuff. To me that part would definitely be more fun than putting it together.

    I really like the camera bag!

  2. I'm glad you found something you like! We bought a bunk bed set for Cole and Bella at Costco and it separates into 2 twin beds or a bunkbed. At some point, we'll convert it to a bunkbed...I'm still nervous about it!!!

    It sounds like you all will have fun putting the bedding together!! I hope you'll post pics (so I can steal some ideas..heehee!)

  3. Oh fun! Bunk beds!!!

    Love that camera bag!!!

  4. Sending you a bit of blogging love by awarding you a

    Sparky Blogging Award!

  5. yes we to have done the bed buying thing, probably more than I'd like to admit! We have bought bunk beds, day beds, twin, full, queen, and now king- we finally got each of us the perfect bed so hopefully no more bed shopping!!

  6. My boys have had bunk beds for a couple years now and they loooove it! It was a good investment!

  7. Bunkbeds! Got that out of the way this past spring. Stupidly at the last minute I was like Oh...we have to buy TWO mattresses! I was pregnant though so it must have been pregnancy brain.

  8. We've currently got 2 lots of bunk beds in the girls' room. One of the beds are spare for when the youngest is old enough to leave our room and sleep with the girls.

    I love the camera bag! Very chic! :)

  9. Yippee you found a bag you liked. The boys will have so much fun with their new bed and bedding. Make sure to take a pic and share when all completed.

  10. So glad you don't have bed wetting issues! How fun that the kiddos will have a bunk bed. And WOW, can't anything just be easy - ya know??

  11. I would just love to get my dd bunk beds but you are right, They are very pricey!!!


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