Place your bets!

I took a day off yesterday for the first time in 31 days.

Did you miss me?

Today I am starting a betting pool.  The subject of the betting pool is this:


That is the toilet from our main bathroom. It has been leaking since since mid 2007 and was finally replaced last night. (and the new one is leaking in the exact same spot, so the problem has just become exponentially more difficult and expensive. This one here has an actual tank leak, which apparently confused the issue of the floor level leak)

The betting pool is for

How Long Will Stacey's Old Toilet Remain On Her Porch?

Will it be gone this weekend? By Christmas? By Spring? Or will this toilet be on my porch so long that it in fact replaces the dinosaurs as a regular feature in my Weekly Winners throughout the summer ?

Some things to keep in mind when choosing your dates:

1. The toilet had been leaking for OVER A YEAR before it was replaced.

2. Our dump is open from 9-3 M-F but accepts only commercial waste trucks from 11-2, residents must drop off their wast from 9-11 or 2-3. It is open from 6:45am to 7:15 am on Saturdays and on the Sunday following the second full moon in a month.

3. It gets below freezing at night here and that is porcelain and it is sitting on a part of the porch that only gets direct sunlight for about an hour this time of year. Imagine picking up really heavy ice cold porcelain.

4. We are originally from West Virginia..... and the idea that we fill it with dirt and plant flowers in it has already been suggested .... and enthusiastically endorsed by Mayhem.

5. DH thinks he knows someone who might be able to use the base at their campsite.

So, place your bets in the comments. The person who comes closes to the actual date of the toilets removal (assuming I don't smash it to bits in sheer frustration in late spring) will win a special handmade by me crocheted whatsit to be determined later.

How can you resist the lure of betting on a toilet AND the chance to win a crocheted whatsis to be determined later?

Place your bets everyone!  I'll have a poll up eventually as well.


  1. i am not ready to place my bet yet... i need more information. how big is your lot and are you under any hoa restrictions?

  2. Deb - we live in the country. No HOAs. The lot is 3 acres and the toilet is not visible from the road.

  3. I say go with Mayhem and use it as a planter!!! You could even put a nice wreath on it for the holidays!

  4. I totally knew the pool was going to be for how long it would sit there - just thinking of my own dh on that. Ummmm...I also immediately thought of making it a planter as it will be there for quite a while.

    My guess is June 23rd :)

  5. No idea how long it will stay on your porch - until the 12th of Never?

    Can you put it up on That way you can get rid of it and give it to someone who needs it and will come to your house and take it away. No picking up cold porcelin!

  6. It sounds like you need a new wax ring around the bottom of your potty!

    Generally when you replace/remove the toilet, it's good to change it then.

    You can use the potty like porch furniture...what a great conversation piece. LOLOLOL

  7. if your home is anything like mine, it will sit till spring. Then your kids will stop you from smashing it because tadpoles will be living in it. Then, in the summer, you'll use it as a hair cutting seat and then by fall it'll have to many good memories to just cart it away. So yeah, next Xmas you'll be stringing up lights around it and crocheting a pom pom trimmed tank cozy to festive it up

  8. You'll be showing it to your future daughter in laws when they come to your house to be taken out on to eat for Thanksgiving at a restaurant.

  9. hmmm, I'm gonna give a date of March 17th. St. Patty's Day would be a perfect excuse to get drunk and go toilet dumping!!

  10. I won't place a bet, but I will tell you this. I'm not a plumber, but I do have extensive experience replacing toilets at my previous home. I also had to remove them several times to retrieve toys my kids tried to flush and got stuck. I'm so glad they are teens now so I don't have to do that anymore.

    In my previous home I had 2 toilets, 1 on each floor. I installed 4 toilets until I bought 1 piece toilets. The 2 piece toilets always leak at the spot where they connect. No matter how diligent you are when installing them.

    I highly recommend the Toto brand 1 piece toilet. They are pricier than the cheapie 2 piece toilets at the home center, but they last and they have a very powerful flush. Once I replaced both toilets with Totos I was done replacing toilets. (At that house anyway, I still want to replace the 2 toilets here, but my partner won't let me until they start leaking.)

  11. I have this exact looking toilet in my garage from last spring. Dh said he's gonna put it out back and plant in it as well. Our has no leaks though but the idea of giving someone else a used toilet is just gross.

  12. A planter sounds good to me! It has the right colors for one. lol

  13. LOL!! I understand what you are going thru! The only way it will get done is if you do it yourself. Happy Holidays

  14. I'm feeling lucky today: January 15.

  15. Bwahahaha! July 4, 2009. Mid morning.


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