Some stats from 2008

I'm a data geek and I like to keep lists so rather than attempt to dredge up details from my faulty memory & do one of the neat year end wrap up questionnaires I have seen, I'll throw out some statistics instead.

I planned 267 dinners.  52 of them were pizza-various and 52 others were pasta-various

I made approximately 220 of those planned meals.

I joined Library Thing and cataloged my library along with my booklist, which is a list of nearly every book I have read in the past 20 years.

There are 2176 books in my Library Thing library.

68 of them were read by me this year.

576 of them are tagged 'mystery'. This far outstrips the next closest tags 'history' (244), fantasy (219) and romance (197)

I acquired 49 audiobooks through audible or borrowed from the library.

I listened to about 34 of them - at the gym & driving to & from the kids school 2 hours a day 5 days a week for the first 5 months of the year.

I crocheted 12 things, mostly all amigurumi toys.

I completed 146 digi scrap pages.

I had a guest spot on 3 creative teams and a regular spot on 2.

I could look up on Paypal just how much I spent on digi scrap supplies this year, but there is some data best left unanalyzed.

I said "back away from the TV" to the boys 3,593,544,927 times.(approximately)

We borrowed Lyle the Kindly Viking from the library 9 times.

I can't even begin to guess how many Backyardigans episodes I have seen or overheard repeatedly.

I took 5687 photos (good god!) so far this year (still have the party tonight to go).

1273 are of the boys toys as part of my 365 Photo Project, my approach being 'take a dozen or so photos of the same thing & pick the best one'.

Approximately 1700 photo have been taken since I got my D40 on November 2nd (because taking photos with the d40 is JUST THAT EASY!).

I jumped from an average of 250 photos a month to 1210 photos so far in December!

I'm doing another 365 Project in 2009.  I'm going to need one of those 1TB drives to hold all my photos.

I made 203 posts to this blog and received 1475 comments.  Thank you all!


  1. Hmm, did you have a busy year or what??

  2. Wow!

    First of all, how did you track those things? That's crazy! :)

    Second, I totally wish I could do that. When you see the numbers in black and white, you can totally see your priorities.

  3. What a cool post! Loved reading all of those stats!

  4. Wow busy busy!! That is so cool to see your stats!!

  5. Love your stats! (especially the amount spent on digi...yeah I wouldn't reveal that either LOL)

    Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  6. What an awesome post! :) I love all your stats...and I have the same approach to taking photos. Maybe getting it right in one of the first two or three shots would be a good resolution too. LOL Happy New Year! Congrats on all your accomplishments in 2008!

  7. Wow! What an incredible list! I might have to do this for next year just to see what all I do. LOL

  8. Impressive stats, my dear!!

    Happy Happy New Year!

  9. My favorite is: I said "back away from the TV" to the boys 3,593,544,927 times.(approximately)
    - Too funny.

    I am blog hopping tonight. Happy New Year!!

  10. What an awesome list! You have so many cool accomplishments there! Woo!


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