Big Day Tomorrow

The kids finally go back to school! Mayhem had Wed-Fri & today off. Havoc had half days Wed & Thurs, plus Fri & today off. They were teacher in service days, not weather related. It's supposed to flurry today though, which tends to incite panic in people around here. But our county did show remarkably good sense last time it was supposed to snow so I'm hoping even if flurries arrive there will still be school.

I did buy milk & toilet paper, as required by local ordinance.

I seriously need my normal 4 kid-free hours. I haven't been able to sweep or mop or put away anything since Tuesday. The only thing I have accomplished is laundry (though not the folding of it).

I'm hoping to catch at least some of the inauguration in between cleaning. I know a lot of people who initially planned on going but none of them are now. Cold and logistics have changed their minds. We're only 2 hours away. It's not an impossible thing for adults or teens but none of us can see taking young kids into that crowd and transportation nightmare. If we lived closer or still had friends in Adams Morgan we might go, even without tickets. But I just can't see doing it from here.


  1. With the crowds and the weather, I don't blame you one bit.

  2. I hope you get those precious 4 hours ;->
    I completely understand not wanting to take young children into the massive crowd tomorrow. I've heard that they've asked people to stay home and watch on TV. Sounds good to me!

  3. Good luck getting all your to-dos done :) I think watching on TV is the way to go - it will be insane.

  4. I would have loved to have seen it in person as well, but honestly ... you get such a better view from the TV.

    But yeah ... it's nothing like actually bearing witness in person. That would have been something!

  5. I love your blog and have tagged you in meme. Stop by to check it out!

  6. I know how you feel about needing those kid-free hours! I can't get anything done otherwise.

    Sure, the inauguration would have been something to see in person, but taking little kids there would have been painful. Maybe next time.


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