Take that!


I went to Body Pump today & I kicked ass!


I went last week for the first time in over a month & it felt good, like I might be able to get back to where I had been the last time I took it (which wasn't quite where I had been from the time before that. I had been doing squats with 34lbs back in October, then took a break & was only at 27lbs in December & last week I had 20lbs) by February. I had intended to go Friday but missed it.

So today had been a week since the last time. I just slapped on the weights I had been using a month ago (27lbs at squats) & went with it.

It hurt like hell!

But I did it!

I even did all those freaking thigh agony lunges for the first time ever!

With the weights!


I am going to be so sore in about 6 hours..... I doubt I'll be able to get out of bed in the morning.

But I'm going back on Friday.


  1. Woo-hoo!!! You are one strong mama. That is alot of hard work. I hope you are not too sore.

  2. WOW way to go girlie!!!

  3. I did that type of class once. It totally killed me.

  4. You go!! I need to get my butt back in gear also. I was using the holidays as an excuse, and well now they are over. LOL

  5. Good for you on getting back to your work-out!! It's really hard to get back into the swing of things again, isn't it?

    I just got back to the gym recently after taking time off during the holidays and I thought I was gonna have a heart attack on the elliptical trainer!!!

  6. Yeah, I'm trying to convince myself to go back to the gym. My excuse: I can't find my runners. :o)

  7. Whoo hooo!! Good for you!

    Yep, you'll be sore but it will be a good kind of sore.

    That's what I always used to tell myself as I cried.

  8. Working out? Whats that? Hmm, does running to the mailbox to see if your favorite magazine arrived count? Congrats on getting on the work out wagon!


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