Keeping the Romance Alive

Our gym offers a Parents Night Out babysitting event once a month. It lasts from 3 to 4 hours & costs about $8 an hour for the 2 kids together. They had one Saturday from 4-8pm. Four hours without the kids for only $32? Sign us up!

But then there is the problem of what to do for 4 hours. It was Valentine’s Day so we made dinner reservations for 5pm at the Thai place. We wandered around the library for about a half hour then browsed an extremely pricy for the crap they were selling ‘antique’ store for a bit, then went to dinner. It was a nice dinner, but we were done at 5:45 & still had over 2 hours of non-refundable childcare to use. So we did what couples all over the area do on Saturday nights.

We went to Wal Mart.

We spent a romantic hour or so looking at cheap dressers and tents and big screen TVs and sorting through rechargeable batteries hoping to find one that fit any of our cameras. We bought milk.

Then we went to Target.

And did more of the same, except for the milk

At 7:15 we met another couple, who’s kids were also at the PNO, for coffee at Starbucks. 

They’d been to Lowes where they looked at toilet seats and bought a new bag for their vacuum cleaner.

It really was a nice evening. Time together without kids, being able to complete a sentence uninterrupted, not having to be constantly checking the whereabouts of others.  It was nice being along together. But I think you have to be in a long term, long time relationship to see it.

Pity we hadn’t thought of sex in the backseat until much to late to do it.


  1. That is the beauty of being together for a long time - just being together without the kids is special - we don't have to put on airs or spend wads of money to impress each other. I love it!

    Okay sex in the backseat may have been more fun, but next time you will think of it sooner :)

  2. We sent the kids to a movie... and instead of using our time after supper for sex.. we watched Grey's Anatomy on Tivo. And we've only been married for 5 months!

  3. Next time, have sex in the backseat FIRST and then everything else is gravy...

  4. LOL That so sounds like something we would do, well if we had WalMart or Target here that is, sounds lovely though!!

  5. Yep, sex in the back seat should come first (no pun intended)

    But honestly, your date night sounds just like ours except that we wind up at Home Depot and Lowes - and it doesn't matter if it's Valentine's Day or not.


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