Tuesday’s Tribute

This one is for my hubby, who is one hell of a guy and has put up with my general life obliviousness for nearly 20 years.

He does the dishes.

He cooks dinner for the boys at least once a week.

He got up and brought the babies to me or fed the babies bottles at night.

He’d changed more diapers than I had by the time DS1 was 2 weeks old & continued to change at least a quarter of them.

He does nearly all the driving when we go on a trip.

He took the broken toilet to the dump in a prompt and timely manner.

He brings me flowers for no reason.

He loves me in spite of myself.

and most of all…..

he got my internet fixed in time for Valentine’s day (that’s him on the ground)DSC_2259

Thanks honey for all you do for me.

Tuesday's Tribute
A Jay and Deb Production.


  1. Awww...that was a very nice tribute. You have a wonderful guy.

  2. Please tell your hubby to stop raising the bar...guys like me have a hard time measuring up...

    Great tribute ma'am!!


  3. the internet is a biggie, but he had me at "changes diapers"

  4. You do have a love a man who can fix the internet!

  5. awww... that is very sweet. Make sure he reads it and knows how much you love him. I have a good man too. Maybe it's time i gave him a tribute as well!

  6. You have a very sweet husband, other husbands should take notes :)

  7. Lovely tribute, he sounds like a wonderful husband :)


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