Weekly Winners week 6

Just a few photos this week. I’ve been playing in Lightroom with effects

It snowed briefly this week


Mayhem is getting a bit big for the car carts


My collection of Vera Bradley207

For more weekly winners please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom.


  1. Holy Vera!!
    I think you like bags like I like bags!!

  2. You'll never convience him he's too big for the cars. My 7 year old still rides in them!

  3. Love the first shot. I have yet to see real snow this winter. But next week I'm going to be on a business trip in Wisconsin. Supposedly my odds will go up immensely.

    Also-- I had a friend who used to run her own handbag company. Vera Bradley was her arch-nemesis. Needless to say she *might* not be a fan of your collection, but it would be hard to argue against the composition of the shot! :)

  4. Awww...but he still looks adorable in the car anyways. :)

  5. Is it just me or do you think they should ban those cart-cars from the stores? I can't stand them. It's like driving a semi around the grocery store & I drive a Yukon XL everyday!

  6. I love the pictures. I wish I knew how to do more with Photoshop. I suck at it!

  7. omgosh, I adore that first photo! Love the play of the light on the snow!

  8. That is QUITE the collection of Vera Bradley - you could open up shop!


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