Making plans

Yesterday was Mayhem’s last day of school. Havoc goes until June 9th and then we have about 10 weeks of nothing much going on.

There will be some vacation bible school for the little pagans. I know of at least 6 so far, but we’ll probably limit it to one a month, depending on who else of their friends is going to which one. 

The dog has training every Saturday at noon starting next week for 8 weeks.

That is about as planned as I am so far.

I’m hoping to get in a day trip up to the Smithsonian, maybe the Air & Space museum this time.

I’d like to go spend 4-6 days in Wheeling but that depends on finding a place to stay. My parents are trying to organize something but I am not sure what. They rent an efficiency apartment for 6 weeks in the summer. No room for us. My brother & his family are bursting out of their house as it is, so no room for us. Jamboree in the Hills, Beast of the East and another little league tournament are taking up hotel rooms for nearly the whole month.

I’d hate to go another year without DiCarlos’ pizza.

Other than that it’ll be business as usual, only with mudpuddles & swimming taking the place of indoor play.  Gym 3x a week, errands planned for only one day a week, meeting up with friends at least once a week, swapping cook outs on weekends with some other families.

Not sleeping in though.  Never sleeping in. The boys are up by 6am, if not earlier no matter what. A Very very good thing during the school yea. They wake *me* up to get ready for school. But oh I would love to sleep in this summer.


  1. Even though you do not have much "scheduled" it sounds like you will be busy. One day they will let you sleep in. Give them a few more years and they will be able to do the whole morning routine themselves and not kill each other or collapse the house in the process. Summer always goes so very fast.

  2. Sounds like a fun summer! "Bible School for the little pagans" cracked me up!


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